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Competition is fierce for the ESMAs: during the nominations stage the organizers counted nearly 4000 nominations! ECOGOLD has been nominated in three categories: #1, Best Youtube Channel; #2, Best Use of Facebook; and #14, Best Use of Social Media by a Saddlery/Tack Shop.

"We are blown away by the three nominations as they are voted by the public. We lead ECOGOLD with a lot of heart and for us, social media goes beyond marketing products. It allows us to connect as human beings with equestrians all over the world.” said ECOGOLD’s VP Marketing Patricia Da Silva, “It is a great privilege to be part of their lives and we are extremely touched that people are taking the time to vote for us.”
Around the world equestrians are connecting with each other, sharing photos, news and videos about their horses, horse products and experiences with horses. Rhea Freeman Marketing & PR and Abbeyview Equine Websites for Equestrians recognized this trend and joined forces to acknowledge individuals and equestrian companies who promote their products and business through social media.
Publicist Rhea Freeman said, “The aim of the awards was to celebrate and raise awareness of those equestrian companies who use social media to help promote their businesses and products in a way that's innovative and engaging for the equestrian public. We're thrilled by how excited and delighted people have been who have made it through to the voting stages. All these people received nominations to get there. I think that many of them are really touched to have the support of their fans and friends. A real pat on the back for a job well done!”
The winner of each category will receive a certificate and be asked to send a short YouTube clip to use in the Equestrian Social Media Awards 2010 YouTube ceremony. We are considering this possibility...
Social Media works because of people! Voting is now open, and it’s time to let readers, members, clients, fans and friends know that they can vote for ECOGOLD here:
Voting in the finals will close on the 18th February 2010 at 8am EST. After this date, organizers will count the votes and announce the winners as soon as possible.
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